Pine Script Rookie
Pine Script Rookie
Posts: 2
Joined: March 7th, 2022

Find MACD Divergence with specific MACD proportions



I'm a total beginner... The code below finds a MACD Divergence when the height of B is no more than 1/2 the height of A (see image in the link below). No matter what I try, I cannot find a way to make the code find the divergence only when also C is no more than 1/2 the height of A. Anybody can help me with this?

Code: Select all

indicator(title='MACD Divergence', shorttitle='MACD Divergence')

//MACD Histogram
source = close

fastLength =, minval=1, title='Fast Length'), slowLength =, minval=1, title='Slow Length')
signalLength =, minval=1, title='Signal Length')

fastMA = ta.ema(source, fastLength)
slowMA = ta.ema(source, slowLength)

macd = fastMA - slowMA
signal = ta.sma(macd, signalLength)
hist = macd - signal

outMACD = macd
outSignal = signal
outHist = hist

histA = outHist < outHist[1] and outHist > 0
histB = outHist > outHist[1] and outHist > 0
histC = outHist > outHist[1] and outHist <= 0
histD = outHist < outHist[1] and outHist <= 0

//MACD Histogram Colors
macd_above = outMACD >= outSignal
macd_below = outMACD < outSignal

plot_color = histA ? #B2DFDB : histB ? #26A69A : histC ? #FFCDD2 : histD ? #FF5252 : na
macd_color = #2962FF
signal_color = #FF6D00

plot(outMACD ? outMACD : na, title='MACD Line',, 0), linewidth=1)
plot(outSignal ? outSignal : na, title='Signal Line',, 0), style=plot.style_line, linewidth=1)
plot(outHist ? outHist : na, title='Histogram', color=plot_color, style=plot.style_columns, linewidth=1)

//Bullish Divergence
bullHistB = outHist
bullHistB := outHist < 0 and outHist[1] > 0 ? outHist : outHist > 0 ? 0 : outHist < bullHistB[1] ? outHist : bullHistB[1]
bullHistA = bullHistB
bullHistA := bullHistB == 0 and bullHistB[1] < 0 ? bullHistB[1] : bullHistA[1]

bullPriceB_high = high
bullPriceB_high := bullHistB == 0 ? 0 : bullHistB < bullHistB[1] ? high : bullPriceB_high[1]
bullPriceB_low = low
bullPriceB_low := bullHistB == 0 ? 0 : bullHistB < bullHistB[1] ? low : bullPriceB_low[1]
bullPriceA_low = bullPriceB_low
bullPriceA_low := bullPriceB_low == 0 and bullPriceB_low[1] > 0 ? bullPriceB_low[1] : bullPriceA_low[1]

bullDiv = bullHistA[1] * 0.5 < bullHistB[1] and bullPriceA_low[1] > bullPriceB_high[1] and (bullHistB < 0 and bullHistB == bullHistB[1] and bullHistB != bullHistB[2] or bullHistB == 0 and outHist[1] == bullHistA)

bgcolor(bullDiv ? color.lime : na, offset=-1, title='Bullish Divergence')

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